Outdoor Grass Track - Canal Head - KENDAL


OUTDOOR 1:10 Buggies

  • 2wd Modern (most popular) - Unrestricted, meaning you can run any motor, and settings

  • 4wd Modern - (fastest) - Unrestricted

  • 2wd Vintage -

  • 4wd Vintage -

8:30am - 2pm Sundays



Near Kendal Snowsports Club




Sunday 8:30am to 2:30pm


Grass Track Racing

At Canal Head we run on our own grass track. The ground is kept in great condition by our committee and volunteers. The wide open space means we can run buggies at full speed and over the bumps and jumps they were designed for.

There are more factors to consider with car set up than indoor carpet racing. You might need a few sets of tyres to cope with damp or dry conditions, and the rough surface means more emphasis on suspension set ups. There is always a friendly club racer to help.

Everyone enjoys close competitive racing so we generally help one another with set up

Most experienced members will bring a small generator or power pack to charge race batteries, some will use their motorcar battery with adaptors. Most racers are willing to share if you need. Just ask in the Facebook group.

Common Set Up:


Rear: Schumacher Mini Spikes, Balistic Buggy Mini Spikes

Front: Mini Spikes, Cut Staggers


13.5t Brushless suits many beginners & vintage

10.5t Brushless is the most common

8.5t or faster are used by some of the best racers

Outdoor Racing


6th April 2025

Outdoor Single Race Entry
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Outdoor Single Race Entry

£9 entry for non members.

SLMCC members use discount code: SLMCC for £6 entry

Youth Entries Use Code: YOUTH for £4 entry

Entry fees for a single category on a single race meeting. You will be asked to enter your transponder number at checkout. JOIN SLMCC for reduced entry fees all year

Start 08:30 at Canal Head, Kendal, finish 14:00

Depending on numbers entered there will usually be 4 qualifying rounds and a final, or 2 final style races. Current popularity of certain classes mean a typical race meet would be

  • 3 Races of 2WD with 8 cars (24)

  • 1 Race of 4WD with 8 cars (8)

  • 2 Races of Vintage 2WD with 8 cars (16)

  • 1 Race of Vintage 4WD with 8 cars (8)

This makes are indoor capacity is 56 cars, which is quite tight and makes for an exciting morning of racing. If there is more demand for a certain class, the club committee might adjust numbers to accommodate.

Race Day

8:30am Arrive and Track Set Up

8:50am Open Practise

9:00am First Heat start

(usually 4 qualifying heats and a final)

13:00pm Finals start

14:00pm Pack away track